Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Thought about Xmas yet?

It's time to start, or at least think about, the holidays. Judging by this nightmare, there's no better place to start than at the cozy, parking-free domain known as Etsy. After a must needed hiatus from this site (my Visa couldn't handle the pressure), I was back, and in business! Lo and behold, the thing I simply could not resist was this badass brass octopus necklace from Toronto's Chrys Designs Jewelry

And for your cutie'p-tootie girlfriend (ahem, hint, cough, hack), why not send her an old-fashioned love letter, with 88% less time and effort than it would take to actually write an old-fashioned love letter?
Yes, the little "I Love You" postcard comes out of the envelope. Awesome. And if it couldn't get any better, it is completely affordable through Etsy. There's even something for that jerk who left you before the holidays. Ohhhh, diss!

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