Friday, November 28, 2008

Get on Santa's "Good" list.

One of the best things I've discovered this week (thanks to Torontoist) is Santa in the City, where good cheer visitors scroll through letters to Santa from kids who just might not get a visit from Santa this year. In partnership with social centres around the GTA, you can read through the letters and "adopt" the letter you want, and to any degree you want, fulfill that child's wishlist. Above, one from Joshua, aged 9. For me, I gotta find some Dora goodies and a Barbie.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

M/M (Paris) 2009 Catalogue

For those of you who, like I, cannot afford a poster for 200 Euros, but prefer to safely admire them from a nice comfortable online distance, feast your eyes on M/M's 2009 catalogue. I am especially loving their 2008 decoupage-esque posters. Mmm/m/m//m/mmmmmm....

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Cute, furry little pole-dancing animals.

As if I needed another reason to adore animals, strippers, and... Orangina? The fab French come up with a perhaps rather traumatizing interpretation of the Circle of Life for Orangina. Naturellement Pulpeuse. $10 cover, 19+.

{Thanks Michelle!}

Be Sweet cushion

Love this merino wool cushion, with a social conscience, too. Question is: Do I sit on this? Who cares?!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Look out! 100 movie spoilers in 5 minutes!

Save hundred's of dollars in rental and late fees, and use that time you save to do something more useful! Like... umm.... wait... hold on.....

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Thought about Xmas yet?

It's time to start, or at least think about, the holidays. Judging by this nightmare, there's no better place to start than at the cozy, parking-free domain known as Etsy. After a must needed hiatus from this site (my Visa couldn't handle the pressure), I was back, and in business! Lo and behold, the thing I simply could not resist was this badass brass octopus necklace from Toronto's Chrys Designs Jewelry

And for your cutie'p-tootie girlfriend (ahem, hint, cough, hack), why not send her an old-fashioned love letter, with 88% less time and effort than it would take to actually write an old-fashioned love letter?
Yes, the little "I Love You" postcard comes out of the envelope. Awesome. And if it couldn't get any better, it is completely affordable through Etsy. There's even something for that jerk who left you before the holidays. Ohhhh, diss!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Even a rainy weekend wouldn't bring her down.

Once upon a time... from Capucha on Vimeo.
Some cheer on this drab Saturday in the city.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Interview with Spraygraphic.

Here it is, me yapping about my vision for our planet and how I fit into that vision. Well, not really. Check out my interview on Spraygraphic here.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The New York Times - "Special" Edition



MARION BATAILLE is graphic and book designer who has never before been published in this country. She lives in Paris. This is just a hand-made mock-up of the actual book which publishes in Oct. 2008. We couldn't be more excited about it.

Also for those asking that's the incredible 30's trio The Boswell Sisters singing "Roll On" "

Check out ABC3D here. Watch the video and enjoy the brilliance.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

"For the discerning fashionista".

This is one of my favourite sites to pick up unique clothing pieces, and this is coming from someone who is a) skeptical about buying clothing online unless it is of the mass-produced tshirt variety, and b) skeptical about buying vintage in general. Thus, it speaks volumes that I have poured my former fashion-student faith into Nasty Gal Vintage. Updated regularly with glorious finds, this site has saved me from personally rummaging through the musty bins of junk to amass the diamonds-in-the-rough onto one, functional shopping site. Here, two of my fave vintage dresses on the site, fresh outta the 80's. But it's best to react quickly - there is, obviously, only one in stock. These two are, er, already "SOLD OUT". I could possibly be the culprit.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Kickin' it old school.

Real life Photoshop. The tagline reads "As real as it gets". Love love love this.

The Snowman Scarf.

I remember watching 'The Snowman' at school every year as a child, and today, I think I might love it even more. Almost like a "Le Petit Prince" effect - a beautiful, simple story that earns even more appreciation as I get older and life, gets, well, a lot more complicated. Now wouldn't it be nice to remind yourself of simpler times with this official "The Snowman" fair-trade alpaca wool scarf? It even has Raymond Briggs' signature on it!

Deck the halls with boughs of sabers.

“Neon was an obvious choice for me,” he said, referring to the set of his Spring 2009 Paris debut show. “I think the simple melding of tradition and modernity aptly suits the mood at the moment. we are all looking to a brighter future.” Here, Gareth Pugh's nightmarisly delightful concoction for London's Topshop, er, holiday, display. 

Love it or hate it, (I, personally love it. If you want your red/green, reindeer and rosy-cheeked elves fix, go, well, anywhere else and you'll find it), it's an attention grabber.

Spraygraphic AOTD.

Thanks, Spraygraphic, for picking me as your artist of the day! Check it out on the link, and don't forget to check back this Friday for my interview.

Monday, November 10, 2008


It's always been a secret dream of mine to design movie posters and their accompanying packaging. Now, I can continue to be jealous of those who do with this collection of fantastic DVD covers from (what else?) the Criterion Collection. These show just how beautiful covers can be, which again, prompts me to ask why Hollywood insists on dumbing down their own DVD releases with lame-azoid covers. Anyway, enough with being disappointed with one segment, instead, let's celebrate the good. Here's some Criterion. Below, some of my favourites:

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

"It's been a long time comin'..."

For those of us who didn't stay up to watch this, or, er, don't have cable, here it is, Senator, oh, let's just throw it out there, President Obama's acceptance speech.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Palin as President.

This is way too much fun - I mean, so long as it never crosses into the real world. Er, just stay in the World Wide Web, President Palin.

{Thanks Rod for this.}

Tonight is the night, the end of...

This. Fucking. Election.

Monday, November 3, 2008

The fellow behind the canvas.

So we all know the face of Mona Lisa - but how many know the face of da Vinci? See how portrait artist Woldhek cracked that code in this video.

{via Coudal}