Friday, August 29, 2008

Hello, old friends.

The past few weeks, oh my, how quickly they have passed. In the moments that I have had a chance to write, my ridiculously tardy internet connection refuses to allow me to upload anything, and then all the other moments in between I have spent laughing, crying, nursing wounds that have formed into scars (that's real, not just metaphorical. ask anyone who's seen my mess of a knee), and just sitting back and wondering what the heck is going on around here.

But, good news, I have found the most daaahhling coffee shop at a nearby gallery with quick wireless, and will be back in full visual swing soon! In the meantime, I have made a discovery to be shared with you all: boiled egg, grapes, cheese, and avocado all taste damn good together.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

welcome back to podcamp!