Friday, August 29, 2008

Hello, old friends.

The past few weeks, oh my, how quickly they have passed. In the moments that I have had a chance to write, my ridiculously tardy internet connection refuses to allow me to upload anything, and then all the other moments in between I have spent laughing, crying, nursing wounds that have formed into scars (that's real, not just metaphorical. ask anyone who's seen my mess of a knee), and just sitting back and wondering what the heck is going on around here.

But, good news, I have found the most daaahhling coffee shop at a nearby gallery with quick wireless, and will be back in full visual swing soon! In the meantime, I have made a discovery to be shared with you all: boiled egg, grapes, cheese, and avocado all taste damn good together.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

If you live in Toronto and need help...

help me help you - August (toronto)
Reply to:
Date: 2008-08-14, 5:54PM EDT

i made a promise to someone i'd help 100 strangers with BIG things in their life. These things can be how to drive a car, learning a new skill, or figuring out a troublesome personal task in their life...etc.

A taste of things i've done:
i've delivered a lunch and dinner to someones grandmother while they were out of town for a week,
i've shoveled driveways of 2 elderly homes on my street in the middle of the night on the worst and 2nd worst snowfall this past winter
i've help find jobs for a single mother, 2 unemployeed/intelligent/educated forieners who had a hard time getting a job, i've tutored several people in leaning more fluent english. I've personally helped people move from their home, find a new home, install curtains in someones house,help someone with their detailed plans to propose to their girlfriend, proof read resumes and just offer a few kind words of encouragement to someone down on their luck..
So now i can i 'try' to help you today?...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Oh, Canada.

At the Olympics, while other countries dress in traditional garb and professional suits, we instead embrace the fact that we are so multicultural and hip that there is no one 'garb' or 'suit', and strut out in something decidedly more... urban. And it's green. And made in China. And from HBC. Thus making it a mystery hidden in a puzzle engraved with dichotomy and wrapped in hemp.

Go Team Canada!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A Creative Community


Crappy wireless internet connection is keeping me from posting those glorious images I so love, so for now, you'll just have to take my word for it when I write that Spraygraphic is a pretty exciting spot for lovers of creativity. Pretty easy to make your own mark, and earn the right to call ultra talented people from Brazil your "friend".

Friday, August 1, 2008

Celebrate 6 with YWFT.

YouWorkForThem is design duo made up of Michael and Michael from Minneapolis. This is their 6th year of doing great stuff out of their shop (I like snagging tees from their site, and it shows up at my door at an alarmingly quick turnover rate). And so, we congratulate them by downloading the 23 free illustrations they're offering on their site. Er, congrats, guys.