Thursday, May 8, 2008


Greenpeace VS Dove

"What's interesting is that the Greenpeace "Onslaught(er)" video about Indonesian rainforests is based directly on the Dove "Onslaught" video that Unilever created to help sell Dove soap. Dove's "Campaign for Real Beauty" is generally considered to be one of the greatest viral advertising campaigns in recent memory, so Greenpeace is actually engaging in a form of Web 2.0 jujutsu, using Dove's (i.e. Unilever's) very own strengths against it. In fact, as the Wall Street Journal pointed out over the weekend, the Greenpeace campaign has been so massively successful (over 250,000 views in less than a week) that if you type "Dove" into the YouTube search box, the first search result is the Greenpeace viral video, NOT the Unilever viral video!"

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