Sunday, September 7, 2008

TIFF brief

Day -1: On the eve of the TIFF opening, standing in the sweltering sun with makeshift program visor to pickup tickets to Detroit Metal City.

Day 1: TIFF begins! In true spirit I celebrate by going to an unrelated Vice party.
Day 2: Volunteering in English, Cantonese, and French. A bit past midnight (okay, they were behind schedule), enjoys first movie, DMC. Laughs, headbanging, and one Q&A later, home and watching Laguna Beach at 3:30 am.
Day 3: Waiting 2 hours for Lebron James and abandoning that ship for Faubourg 36. Noting how Nora Aboudezer should have ditched the jacket-part of her outfit that afternoon. Volunteering, gets to be a ballot girl on stage, watches Spike Lee introduce Youssou Ndour.
Day 4: Early morning Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist. Different from book but not bad different. Bad cold. Tourists with TIFF questions for me tonight, bring a hanky.

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